Posted by Julie Brouhard
Rotarians from District 6630 NE Cluster joined more than 200 volunteers at Lakeview Cemetery in Cleveland on May 27, 2022, to place over 8,700 American flags at veterans’ gravesites for Memorial Day. This annual flag placement honors veterans who bravely fought as long ago as during the Civil War. The cluster participation was organized by Ruth Severiens from The Heights of Greater Cleveland Rotary Club who was joined by her daughter. Other Rotarians present included Scott Mills and Jackie Minotas from Hillcrest Sunrise Club; Girish Malhotra, Mahdi Aluzri, Gayle Schwartz, Larry Coven and Richard Halle from Chagrin Highlands Club; and Julie Brouhard, Assistant Governor, from Cleveland Rotary Club. All agreed that this should become an annual cluster project.
Julie Brouhard
District 6630 Assistant Governor
Cuyahoga County NE Cluster
  • Chagrin Highlands
  • Cleveland
  • Heights of Greater Cleveland
  • Hillcrest Sunrise