Checklist for Membership Growth

1. Has the President made membership a priority?
2. Does the board of directors support membership growth as a priority?
3. Have the President and the board of directors agreed on a meaningful increase as a goal?
4. Has the President appointed a membership coordinator for the Rotary year beginning July 1st?
5. Will he/she track progress toward goal and report progress to the board of directors and the club?
6. Will the schedule of planned programs include membership presentations?
7. Have the President and board of directors examined the marketability of the club?
A. Meeting place
B. On time delivery
C. Quality of food
0. Members welcome visitors
E. Member/visitor I.D.
F. Visitor recognition
G. Meaningful programs
H. Community recognition of service projects
I. Documents available to explain Rotary
8. Does your club have effective follow up for visitors?
A. Phone to determine interest/questions
B. Extend an invitation to second meeting
C. Ask visitor to become a member
D. Prepare a meaningful induction ceremony
E. Introduce new member to the club
9. Does your club offer opportunities for new members to. become active?
A. Orientation by experienced Rotarian
B. Assign responsibility to new member
C. Schedule classification talk promptly
D. Include new member in club fellowship/avoid cliques or segregation of new members to "their" tables, etc.
E. Acquaint new member with "make up" opportunities
F. Monitor new member's attendance, take action if attendance falls off
G. Encourage new member to locate/invite another prospect
2. Does the board of directors support membership growth as a priority?
3. Have the President and the board of directors agreed on a meaningful increase as a goal?
4. Has the President appointed a membership coordinator for the Rotary year beginning July 1st?
5. Will he/she track progress toward goal and report progress to the board of directors and the club?
6. Will the schedule of planned programs include membership presentations?
7. Have the President and board of directors examined the marketability of the club?
A. Meeting place
B. On time delivery
C. Quality of food
0. Members welcome visitors
E. Member/visitor I.D.
F. Visitor recognition
G. Meaningful programs
H. Community recognition of service projects
I. Documents available to explain Rotary
8. Does your club have effective follow up for visitors?
A. Phone to determine interest/questions
B. Extend an invitation to second meeting
C. Ask visitor to become a member
D. Prepare a meaningful induction ceremony
E. Introduce new member to the club
9. Does your club offer opportunities for new members to. become active?
A. Orientation by experienced Rotarian
B. Assign responsibility to new member
C. Schedule classification talk promptly
D. Include new member in club fellowship/avoid cliques or segregation of new members to "their" tables, etc.
E. Acquaint new member with "make up" opportunities
F. Monitor new member's attendance, take action if attendance falls off
G. Encourage new member to locate/invite another prospect